The show followed the titular character Daria Morgendorffer, a cynical teenager navigating the absurdities of adolescence and societal norms. Learn more about the Daria cast members who brought life ...
Ever since the days of Donna Reed and Dobie Gillis, television has had a fascination with adolescents. But to people of a ...
The National Costume and Swimwear rounds kicked off the pageant at the Arena Ciudad de México, on November 14, 2024.
The National Costume competition at Miss Universe is one of the most anticipated events of the pageant. It showcases the cultural heritage, creativity, and unique identity of each contestant's ...
At Miss Universe 2024, it was all those things — and much more — as the annual pageant kicked off with its flamboyant national costume competition Thursday evening. Tasked with modeling looks ...
When Paul Tazewell was enlisted to be the costume designer for Wicked, he knew it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. “The fantasy aspect and how our director, Jon Chu, wanted to tell the ...