Beloved friends, would you like to know and experience pure love? To be confident that you are surrounded by the protection ...
"Bible stories in public kindergarten” might sound good to some Christians. But just think about it for two minutes.
It is a complete life shift. When someone becomes a believer and follower of Christ, they are encouraged to leave behind a ...
If the left can unite to destroy, Christians can unite to restore It s time to stop just talking about worldviews and start ...
The 2nd National Creation Care Conference has been held with a clarion call on churches and Christian groups to foster creative care ...
By Van Sprague You have probably heard the saying, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” However, you can’t find that proverb ...
Listen to a short summary Read by Guy R. Your browser does not support the audio element.Creating art, like poems, paintings, ...
The evocative film charts Shen’s and his wife’s experience of life under the Mao regime – as well as communism’s influence on ...
Religion News Service columnist discusses Texas' newly adopted rules for teaching about the Bible in public schools.
The Puritans saw the Plymouth Colony as their promised land. That is why so many places in New England bear biblical names: ...