In the era of the Cold War, the moniker 'Third World' emerged to delineate nations abstaining from alignment with either the Western bloc (NATO) or the Eastern sphere, the Communist bloc.
Let’s face it: kids are not smart. That’s fine; they’re not meant to be – they have a lot of growing and learning left to do, ...
Naratix, the Romanian start-up which has revolutionized the e-commerce industry by developing five AI-powered robots, is now ...
The world's longest cruise, Royal Caribbean's Ultimate Cruise, went viral this year - and it's easy to see why. It lasts a ...
This one shows all the countries of the world, almost 200, including the UK. It shows all seven continents, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica. Although I ...
Welcome to The World feature where you can navigate around Earth via continents and climate zones. It also highlights the place where Jared Diamond started his quest, Papua New Guinea. See what ...
Royal Caribbean announced at the time: "The adventure begins and ends in Miami, Florida, visiting all 7 continents, 65 countries, over 150 ports of call and 11 World Wonders." But embarking on ...