Spider-Man's new animated series explores his roots in a unique comic-book-style animated format. The show features iconic villains and characters like Norman Osborn and Doctor Strange. The series is ...
Some comic book movies have great casting choices despite being generally bad, leading one to wonder what could have been in ...
From Big Time Spider-Man to the late 90s Black Panther, there are costumes from the comics that would make strong additions ...
The library of Spider-Man characters in Fortnite only continues to grow. With both heroes and villains receiving the ...
The MCU skins available in Marvel Rivals are one of the game's biggest draws, letting players customize their favorite heroes and villains with iconic costumes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man is back! Join him on his adventures in this new thrilling 48-page comic. It begins with the legendary Hunted saga, as Kraven the Hunter returns once again to ...
Pedro Pascal embodies comics-accurate Reed Richards in new Fantastic Four set photos The recent photos of Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards were posted on X (formerly Twitter) by a fan account named ...
Fuelled by creative differences, market share, and fan loyalty, the rivalry has evolved from comic books to cinematic universes. Elon Musk shared the "Irony Man" image of him flying in an Iron Man ...
It doesn't appear as if Sony Pictures is taking the character down that route, though we're not expecting a particularly comic-accurate take on Kraven (he's given up hunting Spider-Man and is ...
Elon Musk delighted his followers on X by sharing a photo of himself in an Iron Man suit, humorously vowing to defeat villains with "the power of irony." He even threw in a playful jab at the Joker's ...