Nocturne Season 2 trailer for the next installment of its dark fantasy animated series, which serves as a spin-off to the ...
"Castlevania: Nocturne," an animated series based on the "Castlevania" video games, will return for a second season on ...
Popular Netflix anime series Castlevania: Nocturne has released a new trailer, confirming the show will return to the ...
Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2 is expected to be a banger despite game fans being divided over the quality of this Castlevania sequel ...
Now, it's sequel series is gearing up for its second season, and it looks as bloody and action-packed as ever. After losing ...
As another giant in the vampire space has been making waves with collaborations, it might finally be Vampire: The ...
Prime Video's video game anthology series has its heart in the right place, but hasn't grown into its best self.
The San Francisco Symphony has announced two new upcoming performances as part of the 2024–25 season. Learn more about these ...
A Robot Named Fight! combines Metroid's sci-fi gameplay with roguelike elements, featuring unique gameplay and a darker tone.
A classic Bethesda game is now available to download and keep for free. However, those interested only have until January 8.
With The Death Generator, you can make the little shopkeeper in Zelda say rude words, or entirely rewrite the dossiers of ...