There are more than 550 species of air plants, so named because they take nourishment from the air and don't need soil to ...
Others News: 2025, governed by the number 9, emphasizes harmony and growth, aligning perfectly with plant care. Nine specific ...
Dry indoor air caused by heating systems can make it tough for plants to thrive in winter. Many plants, especially tropical ...
For green thumbers, holiday travel can be frustrating. It’s nothing to do with trying to pack light, turning off water ...
When setting up your indoor garden, make sure to pick plants that are champions at purifying air. Top choices include the ...
With its dark green toothy leaves and bright pendulous blooms, the Christmas Cactus is a favorite Yuletide plant. Here are ...
If you can't seem to keep your houseplants alive no matter how hard you try, one watering trick could be worth a shot - and ...
Indoor air pollution is a major issue, especially in cities or places with bad ventilation. Luckily, indoor plants provide a ...
Christmas cacti are succulents that generally bloom around the holidays in shades of red, pink, or white. Christmas cactus ...
When choosing plants for your containers that you intend to stay there over the winter, select plants that are zoned for two ...