Akshay Kumar took to social media on Tuesday to announce the shoot commencement of his upcoming horror-comedy Bhooth Bangla.
The journey to the moon and successful landing on the lunar surface. One of the astronauts stayed in orbit in the Command/Service Module (CSM) and the other two astronauts landed on the moon in the ...
Arjun Kapoor said that there are people who want to cheer for him and support him. He added that the “surge of goodwill comes ...
Mishra has showcased his range as an actor with performance-driven parts in films such as Ankhon Dekhi, Masaan, Vadh, and ...
Actor Sanjay Mishra says he is grateful to directors who gave him the opportunities to play diverse characters, especially in ...
The actor has established a name for himself, primarily through comedic roles in films like “Golmaal: Fun Unlimited”, “Dhamaal”, “All the Best: Fun Begins”, “Bunty Aur Babli”, and “Bhool Bhulaiyaa” ...