Attack on Titan - The Last Attack anime film was released in Japan on November 7, 2024. Its anime-original post-credits scene was also revealed, which was the anime adaptation of the end credits ...
Attack on School Castes was just a fun offshoot of Attack on Titan that had series creator Hajime Isayama give each of the characters a modern day, real world makeover. Goth Mikasa just really ...
Hiroyuki SAWANO is one of the most in-demand composers for anime, movies ... too-real nightmare when the Titans return and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction. “Attack on Titan ...
Cartoons aren't just for kids. From the late 1990s and all through the early 21st century, TV saw a meteoric rise in animated ...
The latest weekend box office report is in for Japan, and the Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK movie came out on top ... But what began as a childish dream will become an all-too-real nightmare when ...
Source: Attack on Titan The Movie ... she oversees the Gamepressure movie&TV newsroom. She excels in the field of film and television, both in reality-based and fantasy themes. Keeps up with industry ...
There are certain stories that transcend generations. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Hamlet. The Tale of the Heike. Tales such as ...
Day after day, Titan loved ... to get a free education. I’ve always been a Hawaii kid, where I want to die. At Saint Louis, you have a good connection of people to start your real life besides ...
In a controversial verdict, the football star-turned-actor was acquitted in the criminal trial but later found civilly liable ...
Multiple characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have made decisions that ultimately backfire, and therefore appear to ...
IMDb scores of movies and TV shows rely on ratings from their user base, but not all opinions are created equal. Putting ...