Frida Kahlo, 1933, by Magda Pach, from Smithsonian museum collections; Taj Mahal, completed 1643, Agra, India; Starry Night, ca. 1889, by Vincent Van Gogh; The Calf-Bearer, ca. 570 B.C.; Athens, ...
Cindy Chao explores her vision and aspirations in three distinctive phases with her museum-grade Black Label Masterpiece ...
Many artists in the course of history have been birds of passage, migrating from one country or city to another, seeking the ...
If you're looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, try collecting one or more of these cool items that collectors love.
Experience traditional Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints in motion at Warehouse Terrada this winter, as digital creative company Hitohata returns to Tokyo with ...
Controversy over whether it was disrupted by an Aryan invasion may now be discredited, but the debate over Indus ancestry and ...
Tom Stockley, also known as T.S. Idiot, is a poet, artist and filmmaker who recently published their debut collection Back to ...
The very first carousels date back to about 1600 in France, where they were created as a device to train young noblemen in ...
The Gwalior region is replete with stories of the past and volumes would be needed to do full justice. The Tansen Samaroh is ...
Luxury jewellery brands are incorporating hexagons, cubes and sleek lines in their contemporary collections Considered one of the most creative eras in design, the art deco period gave rise to ...
Seth Feman, PhD, is CEO and executive director of the Frist Art Museum. He's a Nashville native who is so excited to bring ...
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the messiah, the ultimate rescuer and savior for mankind who would vanquish evil ...