Moana 2, Disney’s animated sequel, was written by Jared Bush and co-director Dana Ledoux Miller after originally set to be a ...
“Mufasa: The Lion King,” a Walt Disney Studios release in theaters Thursday, is rated PG by the Motion Picture Association ...
Richard Curtis is neither a stranger to heartfelt comedy nor sentimental Christmas films and is the name behind works such as ...
If you know me, then you know I love animated films. The 2024 movie schedule has been filled to the brim with some huge films ...
In 2025 we’ll see a move towards human-centred artistry, more immersive art projects, and a more sensible conversation around AI ...
Disney fans everywhere can picture the infamous portrait of the cocker spaniel dog Lady and her mutt lover Tramp sharing a ...
That’s a shame because the original “Moana” is about the lightest, most joyful animated movie Disney has made in a decade ...
Despite its historical inaccuracies, Pocahontas’ heartfelt story and strong messages make it a noteworthy Disney film.
There are occasional moments in Netflix’s new animated festive feature ... a fictional Suffolk coastal town called Wellington ...
While discussing his song from Richard Curtis' Netflix special 'That Christmas,' Ed Sheeran revealed that his next album will be a 'return to big pop.' ...
Restaurants are typically known for their food, service, and ambiance, but Le Petit Chef, the smallest chef, takes a unique approach to the traditional dining experience by combining theater and ...
Nearly 24 years after the release of “Gladiator,” fans were graced with the sequel, “Gladiator II,” set 16 years after the end of Gladiator.  As a Ridley Scott fan, and a much bigger “Gladiator” fan, ...