The Amish appear a lot in pop culture, but they're also frequently misrepresented and mythologized. So what do the Amish ...
The idea that the Amish are absolutely free of the perils of modern civilization isn’t really accurate. For example, in 1998, ...
A Nov. 28 Threads post (direct link, archive link) makes sweeping claims about the health of Amish people compared to other Americans. “Amish people have a longer life expectancy than regular ...
“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and ...
One influencer risked everything to create a new life. Lovina Hershberger, a former member of the Amish community, fled in the night in 2021 from her family’s home in Iowa, ten days after her ...
a small Adirondacks town about 40 minutes east of Lake Placid and less than 10 miles west of Lake Champlain. A 16-year-old Essex boy was driving an Amish buggy on Stowersville Road with his two ...