America’s newest national park, turning 4 this month, harbors one of the continent’s oldest rivers. Over many years, the park’s namesake river has carved rugged canyons through the beautiful West ...
Many travelers flock to South Dakota to marvel at Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Badlands National Park. Both are fantastic. If you love scenic drives, rewarding hikes, and unique wildlife, add ...
Have you noticed you rarely go when you live near a fantastic place? Although Cuyahoga Valley National Park is in our home state of Ohio, I’m embarrassed to admit that Julie and I have never gone.
So, you have finally decided to act on your dream of visiting White Sands National Park. But when should you go? The best time to visit White Sands National Park depends on your primary objective. Are ...
Banff National Park’s pristine turquoise lakes and snow-slathered jagged peaks look like something from a picture-perfect painting. Such beauty is nearly beyond comprehension. Although you do not need ...
Have you ever felt like you were in another dimension? Visiting Petrified Forest is like tumbling down Alice’s rabbit hole and falling into Wonderland. It is a portal into another time and place. Logs ...
The United States abounds with natural beauty. States like Hawaii, Alaska, and California regularly hog the spotlight with their legendary scenery. However, several states quietly hide in their ...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The scent of balsam and the sound of silver bells fill the air. Town squares proudly don holiday lights, and people sing with cheer. Many travelers long to ...
Sequoia National Park, often called the “Land of Giants,” is America’s second-oldest national park. The nickname is fitting since the park has the world’s biggest trees by volume. However, Sequoia is ...
The holiday season is upon us, and you ponder how to maintain this seasonal cheer throughout the year. Suddenly, a light bulb sparks to life inside your mind. Yes, a cruise! Visions of a cruise ship ...
Something about the scent of a Christmas tree kindles the holiday spirit in our hearts like nothing else. Since the holiday season is nearly here, it is time to find the perfect tree for your home.
One of America’s most beloved holidays is almost here. Thanksgiving allows us to spend time with family, reflect upon what we are grateful for, feast like there is no tomorrow, and nap without guilt.