When the waiter pours you a sample before serving ... to your glass correctly?" "When they pour the wine, all you need to do is swirl it, look at it, and smell it," he said. General rule of ...
Erik Elliott, a master sommelier based in Napa Valley, California, recommends telling a waiter, bartender or sommelier what ...
It’s a real treat to order wine when out for dinner. That said, I think most of us wonder why server asks if you want to sample it before buying. According to former server @trashqueentm ...
What is the best way to let them know we prefer to pour our wine ourselves ... Miss Manners will join you in hoping that the waiter does not react poorly to being admonished for simply doing ...
In this section you'll find photographic features that explore holidays and photography courses, details about members meetings, trials and tribulations of installing new software along with ...
What is the best way to let them know we prefer to pour our wine ourselves ... Miss Manners will join you in hoping that the waiter does not react poorly to being admonished for simply doing ...