If you charge your iPhone at night, StandBy adapts to low ... and hide themes that you don't like using the eye icon. StandBy's third screen shows the time and date in various themes that you ...
StandBy mode on iOS can be a useful productivity tool with the right stand and OLED screen. It's more than just a clock, ...
John: Part of the widget story for all of Apple’s OSes this fall is StandBy, an iPhone-only mode that displays widgets, a clock, or photos when your device is stationary and charging in landscape ...
StandBy mode provides a unique screensaver for the iPhone when on charge and placed in the landscape position (on its side). It essentially turns your iPhone into a bedside clock or smart display ...
This fall, iOS 17 will introduce a brand new viewing mode for iPhone, but it will be quite familiar to most Apple Watch users. StandBy is enabled automatically when you turn your iPhone on its side ...
[Scott Yu-Jan] is a big fan of the iPhone’s standby mode. Put the phone on charge horizontally, and it looks all stylish, with sleek widgets and clocks and stuff showing you information you ...
Before I wax lyrical about what's now one of my favorite iPhone features, it's worth quickly going over what StandBy Mode is. Basically, it's a feature that turns compatible iPhone models into a ...