Moderate, level 2 out of 5, geomagnetic storming is possible on Monday. When the Sun emits solar flares, solar phenomena known as coronal mass ejections send charged particles toward Earth.
After reaching solar maximum in Solar Cycle 25, the Sun continues producing multiple solar flares, with some Earth-directed components. Thankfully, those will arrive after Election Day.
Sunspot AR3757 erupted with an M1-class solar flare and a plasma plume. Footage courtesy: NASA / SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams | edited by's Steve Spaleta What Texas Polls ...
The sun erupted with an X2.3-class solar flare this morning, triggering radio blackouts The X-class solar flare was released from a sunspot region AR 3883 at 8:40 a.m. ET (1340 UTC) on Wednesday ...