The fifth installment of Supermassive Games' Dark Pictures Anthology is going to outer space in search of Lovecraftian ...
EJ Moreno looks at seven overlooked sci-fi horror movies you have to see… Get ready to add a gang of fantastic sci-fi horror ...
Ronald D. Moore changed the face of sci-fi with the 2004 Battlestar Galactica reboot, but after a few hours of … Continue ...
Sci-fi horror series From has been renewed for a fourth season at MGM Plus, with 10 new episodes set to enter production in ...
Even though a new science fiction show served as one of the key inspirations for The Stand, it seems to be nothing like the ...
December is traditionally a slender month for new book releases —but there are still plenty of titles to please any reader, ...
On Friday, Publisher Neowiz revealed that Lies of P will receive new content with DLC arriving early in 2025 and developer ...
From, MGM+'s acclaimed sci-fi horror series, has been renewed for a fourth season, with 10 new episodes set to air sometime ...
The 72-year-old writer has always been ahead of her time when it comes to sexuality, feminism and gender identity in the ...