Dextrose 5.7g, sodium 10.6Eq, potassium 4.7mEq, chloride 8.3mEq, Calories 23; per pack; contains acesulfame; apple, fruit punch, grape, or strawberry flavor. As sole ...
While Pedialyte bottles are convenient, the Pedialyte powder sold in packets is a popular option. An 18-count package of the drink powder packets is available from Amazon for $35.82. A 24-count ...
Dextrose 25g, sodium 45mEq, potassium 20mEq, chloride 35mEq, zinc 7.8mg, Calories 100; per 1 liter; liq. As sole therapy in severe continuing diarrhea. Intractable vomiting. Adynamic ileus ...