Parker Schnabel’s prominence increased after joining the Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush in 2010. The show follows the lives of gold miners in Alaska and the Yukon, capturing the challenges they ...
"I'm a big fan of really solid shared experiences and that's probably where I spend the most money," Schnabel tells PEOPLE ...
Let’s face it. Gold Rush Season 15 hasn’t been the best start for Parker Schnabel, nowhere even close to being on track the ...
Gold Rush star Parker Schnabel has mined more than 63,000 ... a child when he started mining gold with his grandfather in Alaska. Schnabel told People his grandfather’s mine was “a money ...
As Gold Rush fans know, Schnabel was just a child when he started mining gold with his grandfather in Alaska. Schnabel told ... and under immense pressure, Parker is one bad decision away from ...
Parker Schnabel joined the show in 2011, whose gold mining career began at the age of 5 at his Grandpa John's Big Nugget Mine in Haines, Alaska ... the Gold Rush star opened up about some unique ...
Parker Schnabel of Gold Rush is pictured. For Schnabel ... “I grew up in a family where my great-grandpa came to Alaska, my grandma joined him in 1937, my dad was born up here and all three of them ...
Gold Rush, which first aired in 2010, follows miners as they try to strike it rich in the challenging and often dangerous mining operations in Alaska, Canada, and other remote locations. Parker ...
Parker Schnabel’s job poses challenges in his life on and off the mine site. The Gold Rush star sat down with PEOPLE as the show heads into its 15th season to discuss the impact it has had on ...