to be our mother also. Like her, and under her loving care, may your Church grow day by day, rejoice in the holiness of its children, and so attract to itself all the peoples of the earth.
The Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All That Sorrow" - As with so many other icons of the Theotokos, wonderworking copies of this icon have been found throughout Orthodox Russia, each with its own ...
(155) The similarity with the Hail Mary is unmistakable. It is not indifferent whether Mary is mixed in with other feminine figures to form a smorgasbord of Mother God. Here are some of the major ...
Some Christians criticize the Catholic Church for elevating Mary with the title: Mother of God. They claim that this title for Mary is not found in the Bible. Now it may be true that the Bible ...
It's called "Holy Mother of God" and is a stand alone single. The band will be finishing out their year playing with The Bouncing Souls' at Home For the Holidays at Asbury Park, NJ's Stone Pony. you ...
In all probability, the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir was painted in Constantinople. In the twelfth century, Patriarch Luke Chrysoberges sent it to Kiev to Great Prince Yuri Dolgruky. The ...