Power on your micro:bit and, all being well, your LED should be blinking on and off. Our creepy robot doll in this project has two eyes - can you connect an additional LED to Pin 1 or 2?
The second micro:bit detects gestures with its accelerometer, and then sends the relevant commands to the robotic arm’s micro:bit over its built-in radio link. The arm controller then commands ...
the voice is a key part of Robot Wars. Things wouldn't feel the same without it! In this activity, we're going to show you how to turn your BBC micro:bit into the arena announcer, thanks to a fun ...
A new coding tool will help make it easier for children to portably program a popular educational micro-computer on the fly.
Well, look no further than [Natasha Dzurny]’s Sally Servo the Really Robotic Robot Costume and ... up to something kid-friendly like the Micro:bit and the Brown Dog Gadgets Bit Board — that ...
Four Novi Meadows Elementary School sixth graders had the opportunity to demonstrate their robotics knowledge to legislators ...