This is pretty gross, but I contracted hand, foot and mouth disease from my toddler, and now I’m losing my nails. What should I do? — Nail-less in Seattle First and foremost, I’m so sorry!
Dear Heloise: I was reading the letter from the lady who is very upset with the state of her nails due to her lifelong nail-biting. I was a nail-biter for a little over 50 years, until my wife ...
Toenails grow slower than fingernails. On average, toenails grow around one and a half millimeters a month, says Dr. Chris ...
I was a nail-biter for a little over 50 years, until my wife suggested that I should come with her to the nail salon ...
If you happen to lose a nail, you can expect it to take at least a few months to grow back. “A normal fingernail would take about six months to grow out, whereas a toenail would require [between ...