It revolves around a truck, specifically an old-school van that Kurt Cobain, with the allure of his artwork and renowned autograph, boosted to a value of several thousand dollars. And his family?
Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter, Frances Bean Cobain welcomed a baby boy with her husband, Tony Hawk’s son Riley ...
The home where Nirvana band member, Kurt Cobain, died in 1994 at Viretta Park in Seattle, Wash. Cobain's widow and daughter are urging a Seattle judge not to release death-scene photos and records ...
Dave Grohl's final conversation with the late Nirvana frontman, Kurt Cobain is heartbreaking. The two shared a strong bond, ...
Helen Mirren said she was sad the late Kurt Cobain never got to experience the wonders of GPS technology before he died at 27 ...
Even if you can tear yourself away from Dame Helen’s Nirvana-based koan, there are plenty of other good quotes in the interview, including her lobbing back a “No it’s not” when Lebedev says her ...
Helen Mirren has a relatively unique perspective on how she thinks Kurt Cobain would navigate the world if he hadn’t died in the 1990s. During an interview with Evening Standard’s Brave New World, the ...