The titular character is an orphan who lives with her misanthropic grandfather and their goats in the Swiss Alps. At 8, Heidi goes to a big foreign city (Frankfurt) to stay with a wheelchair-using ...
while telling a completely new story of the girl from the Swiss Alps. When eight-year-old Heidi saves a lynx family and their ...
while telling a completely new story of the girl from the Swiss Alps. When eight-year-old Heidi saves a lynx family and their home from a greedy businessman, she gets her grandfather to come clean ...
Although the “Heidiland” image disturbs many Swiss, Heidi is the epitome of Switzerland ... her bedroom at her grandfather’s home in the Alps, complete with straw mattress, and of a room ...
Heidi is five years old when her aunt Dete, who has raised Heidi since her parents' deaths four years earlier, takes the orphaned Heidi to live with her formidable grandfather in the Swiss Alps.
In this adaptation of the Johanna Spyri kid-lit classic, Shirley Temple stars as the title character, an orphaned Swiss miss who softens a hardhearted recluse of the Alps only to be kidnapped and ...