In a bizarre twist of fate, an Elvis impersonator finds himself entangled in a scandal spotlighted in a gripping Netflix ...
Chapman Way and Maclain Way broke down their filmmaking process during a 'THR Frontrunners' FYC panel in Los Angeles.
A Southern Crime Saga premiered on Wednesday, many flocked to X, formerly Twitter, to give their comment on the 'bats- -t' ...
The man at the center of it all, Paul Kevin Curtis, an Elvis impersonator, was also accused of sending poisonous letters to ...
PAUL Kevin Curtis was initially arrested in connection with letters containing ricin being sent to Barack Obama and US ...
Paul Kevin Curtis was accused of using ricin to kill the president in 2013, but it quickly emerged that an associate was the culprit.
The event was not just a themed dinner, however, Elvis impersonator Jake Slater, of Bellaire, entertained the attendees as he ...
The three-part docuseries dives into every wild moment from an Obama assassination attempt to an elephant shot in drive-by, ...
When someone mailed poisoned letters to President Barack Obama and others in 2013, investigators quickly zeroed in on a conspiracy-theory addled Elvis Presley impersonator from Tupelo, Miss., ...
Netflix's newest true crime docuseries, The Kings of Tupelo, is a bizarre tale of events in Mississippi, Tupelo, about an Elvis impersonator, Paul Kevin Curtis.