The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an exhilarating, web-slinging adventure that complements the events of the second Spider-Man film. It occurs alongside the events of the film in a separate storyline ...
The finale of The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man introduces the Spider-Naut, a mash-up of Spider-Man and the Juggernaut ...
Spider-Man uses his last extra life and faces true death—enter the mysterious Spider-Naut.
However, that is where The Amazing Spider-Man 3 could step in, which is a movie that was never created. Andrew Garfield took ...
In Amazing Spider-Man #63, Peter Parker faces Cyrios, Scion of Cyttorak, for a heartbreaking journey through his past and future deaths. Can Spidey alter his tragic timeline?
In a CBR review of Amazing Spider-Man #62, learn how the concept of "imaginary stories" explains why 8 Death of Spider-Man ...
The new era of Spider-Man officially kicks off in Amazing Spider-Man #61, which marks the first issue from writer Joe Kelly, artists Ed McGuiness and Nico Henrichon, inker Mark Farmer, colorist ...