This Lego Marine Corps Air Station has everything ... Usually Jar Jar Binks or a train conductor, instead of the X-Wing or sci-fi battle tank you really wanted. Such is life.
Explore the power of Lego pneumatic engines through a series of high-tech experiments. These air-powered motors, resembling ...
Dive into the world of Lego engineering with this air-powered RC truck, built using a pneumatic engine that runs on compressed air! From the engine and freewheel system to the gearbox and controls ...
While the basic concept of LEGO bricks ... AA battery holder to power the system, which makes it easy to swap the batteries without having to partially disassemble the train.
a layout featuring an automated turntable and engine shed and a modular layout built by members of a club for Lego train builders. Mr Pay added: "We are really looking forward to bringing this ...