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Discover 100s of brands at unbeatable value. Shop your way to more rewards with TangerClub. Join the Club for the most rewarding way to Tanger with more savings, more perks, and more access. All ā¦
Discover 100s of brands at unbeatable value. Shop your way to more rewards with TangerClub. Join the Club for the most rewarding way to Tanger with more savings, more perks, and more access. All the best brands, all in one place.
4.0/5 · 194 reviews
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Jul 9, 2023
All the major brands were represented. One downside is that there were not too many food options for lunch.Shop here all the time. Great stores with great selections. Full review by Voyager53616018824
Jul 9, 2021
Had a rainy day with teenagers in Galveston so headed here and it was a good way to keep them busy. Open air outlet mall, but plenty of cover to not get completely wet. Plenty of stores to keep theā¦ Full review by U6854CLjamesl
Aug 17, 2020
i visited during the weekday. not crowded but the stores were opening late also. smaller than other outlets that i am used but worth the visit. Full review by jcunlimited
Tanger's common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol: SKT. Initial shares may be purchased through any broker. Any shareholder who participates...