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For all of your home HVAC and plumbing needs in Columbus and surrounding communities, call your local HVAC and plumbing experts at Logan Services. We provide fast and friendly heating and air …
For all of your home HVAC and plumbing needs in Columbus and surrounding communities, call your local HVAC and plumbing experts at Logan Services. We provide fast and friendly heating and air conditioning repair, replacement and routine maintenance, as well as residential plumbing services including water heater repair and installation.
Zach did a great job answering all of our questions. He was patient and kind throughout all of our "what if" scenarios. The installers Brad, PJ, and Justin were polite and courteous through the whole… Full review by Casey Foster
May 27, 2024
Graduated to a new system! Highly recommend the Logan Services team, from sales to installation, everything was done in a professional manner. Cameron left us feeling confident in our choice and Devi… Full review by Jennifer Miller Ingram
May 23, 2024
Definitely a 5 star rating! My experience was great from start to finish! My constant, Cameron, did an amazing job explaining things to me and helping me through the financing process, picking the ri… Full review by Jessica Dawn
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