Donald Trump's Republican allies have         suffered a string of courtroom setbacks in battleground U.S.         presidential election states as Election Day draws closer,         losses that could ...
Bolivia's former leader Evo         Morales accused the government of his one-time ally Luis Arce of         trying to kill him on Sunday after his car was struck by bullets         in an ...
Malaysia's         parliament voted on Thursday to change the constitution to allow         women to pass their nationality to children born overseas amid a         protracted legal battle between a ...
Donald Trump called himself the "father of IVF" at a town hall for women voters on Wednesday, as the Republican presidential candidate tries to convince the crucial voting bloc they can trust him on ...
U.S. President Joe         Biden took off for Berlin on Thursday for a short visit to         discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine with the leaders of         Germany, France and Britain as Kyiv urges ...
In just one week, nearly 400 Palestinians have reportedly been killed and almost 1,500 injured in Gaza, said Joyce Msuya, the UN acting under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency ...
Having survived the atomic bomb that flattened his hometown of Hiroshima when he was nine months old, Kunihiko Sakuma has never forgotten the stain it left on him in the eyes of some of his ...
U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris said on Thursday that the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar set the stage for the return of Israeli hostages and an end to the war in Gaza.
國家商務部表示, 如果歐方在與中方磋商的同時, 又與部分企業單獨進行價格承諾談判, 將動搖彼此信任, 干擾磋商整體進程, 亦將給價格承諾協議的後續執行和監管, 增加更多行政成本.         商務部官網刊登發言人答記者問指, 目前雙方已開啟下一階段磋商, 中方希望雙方按照現有框架, 在前期磋商的基礎上加快推進, 盡早取得實質性突破.         發言人指出, 在商務部長王文濤, 上星期五在 ...
港股午後上升, 恒生指數最新報20638點, 升48點.         內房股午後上升, 龍湖集團(00960)及中海外(00688)升百分之4, 華潤置地(01109)升百分之2, 融創中國(01918)升百分之7, 萬科(02202)升百分之4, 旭輝(00884)七成八債權人支持重組協議, 股價升一成四, 雅居樂(03383)升一成.         新經濟股個別發展, 阿里巴巴(0998 ...
日本眾議院選舉結束, 由自民黨和公明黨組成的執政聯盟大敗,         只取得215個議席, 未達到控制眾議院所需的過半數233席. 其中自民黨流失65席, 只剩191席, 但仍是眾議院內第一大黨, 黨總裁兼首相石破茂說, 必須認真對待、 從心底反省選舉結果. 他亦表明了繼續執政的意願,         至於會否同公明黨之外, 其他政黨組成聯合執政機制, 他就說目前並沒有這個設想.
證監會就推動香港金融科技生態圈的健康穩健發展提出願景, 並就有關措施勾勒了多個範疇, 以在市場發展和投資者保障之間取得平衡.         證監會中介機構部執行董事葉志衡表示, 證監會實施迅速牌照批准程序, 以處理被當作獲發牌的虛擬資產交易平台申請者, 預計年底前向「被當作獲發牌」的虛擬資產交易平台申請者發出第一批正式牌照, 而為支持持牌虛擬資產交易平台發展可持續的業務模式, 證監會正為所有持牌 ...