The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade submitted to the High Court in Belgrade an extension of the indictment ...
The UN has warned that current pledges will result in the planet warming by more than three degrees Celsius by the end of the ...
Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, assessed that the situation in the north of Kosovo is tense, with the ...
President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will be on a working visit to Serbia today and tomorrow, where ...
The High Court in Belgrade closed yesterday's hearing to the public in the civil proceedings against the parents and the boy ...
Serbian Progressive Party is celebrating 16 years since the founding of the party with a meeting in Vršac. President of ...
President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived today for a two-day visit to Serbia, and was met at Nikola Tesla Airport by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.
Glumac Džek Meril, poznat po ulogama u popularnim serijama Uvod u anatomiju i Zakon i red, progovorio je o svom mučnom i ...
Predsednik Hrvatske Zoran Milanović izjavio je danas da je od početka bio jasan oko toga da ne želi da Hrvatska učestvuje u ...
Poljski predsednik Andžej Duda odbacio je danas mogućnost isporuke novijeg naoružanja Ukrajini, uključujući tenkove, ...
Trener fudbalera Crvene zvezde Vladan Milojević rekao je da je Spartak kompaktna ekipa koja može u svakom trenutku da napravi ...
Kad izvršitelj pokuca na vrata već znate da imate neizmiren dug ili kaznu. Od neplaćene kazne za parkiranje do kredita u ...