The man looks directly and intensely at us, his face has strong rugged features, a closed mouth, and broad nose, his ears appear slightly uneven on his head. Van Gogh’s ink strokes are similar to his ...
The textile is approximately rectangular with irregular edges and some lost areas. Saint Theodore’s flesh is worked in shades of undyed, pale pink, and tan, threads and he wears an off-white robe with ...
A rectangular marble relief portrays Hermes striding to the right in profile with only his right arm in view holding the infant Dionysos in front of him. The infant is wrapped in an ample folded ...
This page has a painting on one side and a rectangle with four columns of black text on the other. The painting features a man with shoulder-length black hair and a black mustache riding a white horse ...
On a black and white tiered plinth and nude man stands in contrapposto. One hand is on his hip and the other is raised as if in greeting or salute. He looks in the direction of his raised arm and ...
Rising from a roughly cut base of marble resembling a large rock, two nude figures are delicately carved and polished smooth. A young man on his knees holds his arms behind his back, leaning forward ...
A man seated in a chair with a carved back and a rose colored cushion sits in three quarter profile facing right, turning his head to look at us. He wears a white wig, its shoulder length curls ...
With her large body and frontal pose, the Virgin here functions as a throne for Christ, a visual expression of her status as the Mother of God and source of wisdom. While the symmetry and rigid ...
Under a bower of twining flowered branches, a woman and a man sit naked, side by side in a garden, sharing a kiss. A long, pale orange serpent is coiled along the ground at their feet, its head rising ...
This elaborate oil sketch, or modello, was created for the “triumphal entry” of Cardinal Infante Ferdinand into Antwerp, a spectacular procession featuring music, theater, and enormous painted ...
Quickly brushed, brightly painted, slanting strokes depict a still life of a bowl of peaches on a table at center left. Four ripe peaches in orange and yellow are visible piled into a round porcelain ...
The gilt bronze sculpture is of a person standing upright and facing the viewer. They are standing barefoot on a small pedestal detailed with petals. The person’s right arm is down by their side, palm ...