The actress, who is making her feature film directing debut, comments on her debut feature film, which she also stars in, ...
El certamen vasco especializado en documentales y cortometrajes tendrá lugar del 8 al 15 de noviembre, con 132 títulos de 44 ...
Il raduno basco specializzato in documentari e cortometraggi si terrà dall'8 al 15 novembre, con 132 titoli provenienti da 44 ...
L'événement basque spécialisé dans le documentaire et le court-métrage présentera, du 8 au 15 novembre, 132 titres provenant ...
The Basque gathering specialising in documentary and short films is poised to take place from 8-15 November, with 132 titles ...
Pippo Mezzapesa’s miniseries about the murder of Sarah Scazzi is an example of how a horrible true crime story can be told ...
The festival director discusses the expansion of the gathering and its growing industry focus on fostering collaborations ...
El evento profesional alemán se clausura con la entrega por parte de su jurado independiente de diez premios valorados en ...
The distributor spoke about her outfit’s business model, two recent successful campaigns and the peculiarities of the ...
L'evento industry tedesco si è concluso con l'assegnazione da parte della giuria indipendente di dieci premi, per un valore ...
The president of the Associazione Occhio Blu and director of Rome's festival dedicated to the cinema coming from the Balkans, ...
24/10/2024 - The German industry event has wrapped with its independent jury bestowing ten awards, worth a total of nearly ...