Today, faculty and students at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice continue this tradition by studying topics ranging from child welfare, criminal justice disparities, ...
Saint Louis University's School of Social Work provides students with an academic experience rooted in research, real-world experience and a focus on humanity. Built upon an unwavering commitment to ...
In 2015, the Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice received funding from the Office of Victims ... this OVC grant funded two pilot projects at the Center: the Community Health Worker Peer (CHWP) ...
He worked on a range of causes, including an unsuccessful campaign against NAFTA, which he believed gave U.S. corporations ...
Meyers how the organization’s CARES program puts kids at risk in the name of promoting social justice by fighting ... Today, a desk worker in the applications department decides whether a ...
This puts organizations in the day-to-day community work at the center ... In 2020, the WNBA and WNBPA formed the Social Justice Council to be the driving force of timely and important societal ...
Grounded in a sense of place and social justice, the University of Wyoming’s CSWE-accredited graduate program in social work prepares you to make a difference in the far-flung cities and townships of ...