The funeral of Gabriel Manuel Montis, a 39-year-old security guard who drowned on Friday morning at Capo Malfatano, in the sea of Teulada while he was taking part in a fishing trip with a friend ...
For the woman, a nightmare that lasted hours. Then she went to the hospital and the search began: the alleged perpetrator was arrested Indagini dei carabinieri Kidnapping and sexual assault ...
There is Zito Luvumbo in the Cagliari team that will face Torino at 6pm at the Domus, on the eighth day of Serie A. The Angolan wins the ballot with Paulo Azzi high on the left in Davide Nicola's ...
Dozens of hijacked planes and delays. This is what happened today in Italy due to a problem with ground radar in Milan that blocked flights in the skies of north-western Italy, including those to ...
A relentless Marc Marquez won the Australian MotoGP Grand Prix, beating championship leader Jorge Martin in a real battle, with Francesco Bagnaia relegated to third place. Marquez thus grabs his ...
It takes courage and recklessness to jump out of a plane with a parachute while anti-aircraft fire explodes all around. It takes the same courage to walk through the streets of a bombed city ...
Triumph for Nathan Marcello's team. In second place the snail Fulmine and in third the veteran Rombo di Tuono Applause, wild fans and lots of laughter on the occasion of the twenty-seventh Snail ...
It is not yet clear whether the 56-year-old was taking part in a race or making a transfer. I mezzi coinvolti nell'incidente The 50-year-old Roman motorcyclist who was the victim of a road ...
The Ministry of the Environment's report: on the island there are poisoned areas larger than 4 thousand football fields but no clean-up interventions Uno stabilimento industriale The delimitation ...
Here's where the new roundabouts and roads will be built where the orange columns will be installed as a deterrent against speeding The point where the roundabout will be built in Piazza D'Armi ...
The umpteenth, the last, perhaps, the decisive one. Legislative Decree number 153 of the “horribilis” year of energy speculation on the Island of Nuraghi bursts into the Gazette of “bad news ...
E ppure una strada per uscire dal ginepraio politico giudiziario c’è. Facciamola breve: Giorgia Meloni va da Mattarella e si ...