The past year at the Foreign Affairs Ministry has brought difficult negotiations and crisis situations, but also joint successes, Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) said in a video on ...
Bratislava, October 27 (TASR) - The departure of the MPs centered around Rudolf Huliak from the Slovak National Party (SNS) parliamentary caucus was meant to undermine the party in the coalition, ...
The biggest problem of the governing coalition is that it hasn't been able to overcome issues caused by the governments that were in power in 2020-2023 in one year, Defence Minister Robert Kalinak ...
More than 44 percent of firms in Slovakia perceive a lack of digital skills among their employees, Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Minister Richard Rasi (Voice-SD) told the ...
As many as 42 percent of respondents want to study abroad after their first degree at a Slovak university, according to the results of a survey conducted by a civic association called Therapolis in ...
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The government has results behind it after its first year in power, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) told a news conference on Friday. The premier views it as extremely important, for example, that the ...
The Doctors' Trade Union (LOZ) is demanding that the government publicly declare that the debate on the transformation of state-owned hospitals into joint-stock companies should be stopped, LOZ head ...
The Christian Democrats (KDH) have requested Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) to assume political responsibility due to the fine imposed on the Interior Ministry by the Office for ...
Not even the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) stopped his fourth government from achieving results, the Government Office said on the occasion of the first anniversary of ...
Justice and security are in disarray after a year of Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) government, MPs for the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) stated at a press conference on Friday, criticising, for ...
As part of the process of appeal, the Office for Protection of Whistleblowers (UOO) has confirmed that the Interior Ministry violated the law when it didn't consult UOO before suspending ten police ...