Connectez-vous, puis sur cette page, liez votre gamertag au compte Twitch que vous utiliserez pour récupérer les Twitch Drops. Rien n'attire plus un pirate de Sea of Thieves que du butin gratuit. Ça ...
Non c'è niente che un pirata di Sea of Thieves ami più di un bottino gratuito e ora, grazie a Twitch Drop, puoi ottenerne uno anche tu collegando il tuo account Twitch a quello di Sea of Thieves e ...
Es gibt nichts, was ein Pirat von Sea of Thieves mehr liebt als kostenlose Beute – und jetzt könnt ihr euch dank Twitch Drops ein wenig davon sichern, indem ihr euer Twitch-Konto mit eurem Konto von ...
Log in to link your Sea of Thieves and Twitch accounts! Then tune in during active Twitch Drops and watch any participating Sea of Thieves streamer live for a minimum ...
Embrace a more mischievous side of the pirate life with a wealth of new tools and weapons dedicated to stealth, sneaking and causing chaos whenever you encounter other crews. From traversal tactics ...
Ready to get stealthy? Season 14 delivers tools, weapons, tricks and abilities that open up ingenious new ways to achieve your aims on the Sea of Thieves! For an overview of this Season’s furtive new ...
In these days of all-out war between the Pirate Lord and Captain Flameheart, it can really pay to stay under the radar. Now, with Season 14’s arrival, that’s easier than ever! Introducing a range of ...
Коварно руки потираем и вести злые призываем... Узрите набор «Коралловый ковен»! Новый колдовской набор состоит из корабельной оснастки ...