If a geisha wanted to offer sexual services, she would risk punishment, as it was legally forbidden for her to engage in ...
This deep-sea dweller isn’t exactly a beauty. It has a long, shovel-shaped snout, a flabby body, and a tail with an ...
The Celts emerged in Central Europe, particularly in the regions that are now Austria, Switzerland, southern Germany, and ...
Napoleon's Grande Armée included a wide array of cavalry units, each with specialized roles and distinctive characteristics. Among the most famous types of cavalry were the Hussars, Cuirassiers, and ...
The early Middle Ages saw the rise of a new social body in Europe: the nobility. This group quickly gained prominence within the monarchy, acquiring titles and privileges that gradually became ...
The Mediterranean has been at the heart of Roman history since the founding of Rome, and even more so as its imperialism developed. This allowed it to control the entire Mediterranean region within a ...
Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC. Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BC, starting a civil war. Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC, by a group of senators. Ancient Roman ...
Rudolf Virchow is a prototypical 19th-century global genius. The scientist was a physician, social politician, and anthropologist, making him a leading figure in his field throughout his day. His ...
From the time of the Renaissance forward, these fortresses were renovated into elegant mansions complete with gardens, turrets, and other architectural flourishes. The Latin “castellum” refers to a ...
During the Second Punic War, on August 2, 216 BC, Hannibal led the Carthaginians to victory in the Battle of Cannae, where they slaughtered at least 50,000 Roman legionaries serving under Republican ...
When referring to plants, the word “poisonous” should be used, while the word “venomous” is reserved for only animals. However, there are some counterexamples that do not support this generalization.
A comet is a heavenly body formed long ago during the formation of the solar system from gases, rocks, and dust that have since frozen solid. They travel through our sky, leaving behind lengthy clouds ...