Work to add material to Libcom is ongoing. Most (but not all) of the original site can be viewed via the Internet Archive ...
Short text by the KAPD on the collaboration between Colonel Max Bauer, a leader of the far-right Kapp Putsch, and the ...
Including: Lenin speech, ill-treatment of conscientious objectors in Wakefield, Lansdowne Labour Committee critique by Sylvia ...
Including: Bush appoints Honduras death squad supporter to key role, US election and electronic voting, Iraq war crimes, ...
Short article by the KAPD analysing the collective bargaining rights between trade unions and employers' organizations and ...
A personal memory... .and the link between intensifying cultural commodification, increasing state repression and the spectre ...
Paul Mattick's review of Jack London's autobiographical memoir "The Road". Published in "Der Proletarier, 9th Issue, August ...
Manifesto from the Council Communist BRKP where they present their views to the Bulgarian Workers.
Short presentation by Jan Appel on the Unemployment Issue at the 1921 Berlin Extraordinary Public Party Congress of the KAPD.
Burmanization is a form of oppressions that minority ethnic communities across Burma had to endure for centuries. It became ...
Short article by Anton Pannekoek where he talks about state monopoly and why it is of no use in the process of socialist ...