It follows the story of two young football-mad friends, Remi and Sam, dreaming of Spurs gifts for Christmas. When Remi ...
John Steinbeck’s classic novella Of Mice and Men will no longer be studied in Wales at GCSE level because of the book’s ...
The children spend time with their families ... Loid’s mission relies heavily on the friendship scheme and Anya’s message to Damian has a positive impact on their friendship.
In August, the program received its own nonprofit status, and the now 28-year-old organization plans to continue growing its mission to provide elementary students with reading support and friendship, ...
An Ohio teacher was suspended earlier this year because she had these five books in her classroom library. Here's what those ...
We can’t make friends for our kids, but we can help ease their way socially. When kids feel lonely, hurt, or hopeless about ...
Mont Saint Michel rector Father Pierre Doat, who has just published a novel about the role and figure of angels, believes ...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was conceived for a purely Scrooge-like reason — to make money. Its creator, however, saw the ...
Our annual look back at some people and places in the arts who died or departed in the last year, from Bob Newhart, Quincy Jones and the long-running Blue Man Group to some names you may not have ...
Zenon Stavrinides, the well-known Greek Cypriot intellectual and Cyprob aficionado, passed away last October aged 78 and my ...
A regular contributor to The Daily Memphian, she is a freelance writer who also recently published her first book, the children’s book “Josephine ... it’s hard to tell where food ends and friendship ...
If you're celebrating Kwanzaa with kids this season, or need a good gift for a young reader in your life, these adorable kids ...