There are many ways to distinguish between an authentic designer bag from a replica. From a genuine guarantee card, a proper ...
Fashionistas are clamoring to get their hands on a “Walmart Birkin,” also known as a “Wirkin,” after discovering that the budget-friendly retailer hawks purses seemingly inspired by the costly Hermès ...
Watching him guide a UK customer on FaceTime through the intricate details of a Hermes Birkin while explaining its provenance ...
It is therefore important to be very sure that these are real and genuine from retailers whom we can trust. Search for a ...
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Koyaana Redstar, the head of luxury buying at Luxe Du Jour, an online luxury boutique for vintage designer handbags. It has been edited for ...
However you pamper yourself, Vetreska, founded by Singaporean entrepreneur Donald Kng, will match the experience for your fur ...
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of gay singer/songwriter turned fashion designer Steve Grand ... never met them before the day I showed up at their door with my bags. It was ...
Having the opportunity to speak about editorial fact-checking and journalism ethics with so many wonderful, thoughtful people ...
Amazon dropped after-Christmas sales in its Premium Brands Outlet. Shoppers can save up to 73 percent on Coach bags, Ugg ...
Just because designer items are coveted doesn't mean you need to pay full price for them. Luxury resale sites like The Real ...
According to experts, for health and safety reasons, there are certain dupes that are not worth saving a couple of dollars ...