Two animated films based on the original manga have been released, both directed by Mamoru Oshii and animated by Production I.G. Ghost in the Shell was released in 1995 and follows the "Puppet ...
In this prequel set one year after the fourth World War, cyborg and hacker extraordinaire Motoko Kusanagi from the military's 501st Secret Unit finds herself wrapped up in the investigation of a ...
The Habermas Machine turns deliberation into a process of optimizing statements for agreement, which may streamline ...
Scientists in China have almost finished building a massive underground detector to sniff out mysterious particles called ...
It’s time to rethink engineering metrics and debunk myths like "ghost engineers." Learn how to measure productivity, foster collaboration, and build healthier software teams with actionable insights ...
In the 1990s, sci-fi movies specifically continued to draw in millions of moviegoers. While the 1980s is fondly remembered ...
Ghost Stories is a unique case. The Japanese version is a straightforward horror series that is passable but largely ...
An Indiana man convicted in the 2017 killings of two teenage girls who vanished during a winter hike will face up to 130 years in prison when he’s sentenced Friday in the case that’s long cast ...
Ghost in Hinduism is referred as 'bhoot', ‘preta’, ‘pey’, ‘pret’ or ‘pretam.’ Do Hindus believe in ghosts? It depends on the individual but it is believed that majority believe in ghosts. The concept ...
A group of missionaries who surf have expanded to a remote part of Costa Rica, where people come from afar looking for the “perfect wave.” And maybe a little Jesus? By Maria Abi-Habib and ...