The anime world just received an announcement of Twins Hinahima, an entirely AI-generated series by Kaka Technology Studio.
AI is starting to enter all entertainment fields as there’s just been an announcement of an original anime Twins Hinahima.
According to a statement released by the companies, they claim to be using AI in order to create "high-quality-AI-assisted ...
KaKa Creation and Frontier Works opened a website on Friday to announce an anime project titled Twins Hinahima that is made ...
With the advent of A.I. tools, we knew it was only a matter of time before anime would be created by such tools. In the ...
Japan is planning to use AI to police anime and manga pirating websites that the pop-culture powerhouse accuses of costing it billions of dollars in lost revenue every year. There are at least 1,000 ...
The deeper plot of Oshi no Ko is set off by the death of Ai Hoshino, who is a very famous idol at the beginning of the anime. After dying while delivering her twins, Aquamarine and Ruby.
As generative AI is still a developing technology, the definitions and ethical use is still undefined by many. Anime News Network reached out to Dodzi Dzakuma, a Senior Azure Cloud Engineer and ...