Emeralds are again being mined in the historic district of the Ural Mountains. Physical, chemical, spectroscopic, and microscopic characteristics of stones from the recent production are presented and ...
GIA is proud to provide the most comprehensive research in the industry with a world-renowned field gemology team and a dedication to acquiring colored stones directly from the source. Our ...
The GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report includes full quality assessment with a plotted clarity diagram. Color and clarity specification are described on the same scale as the GIA Diamond Grading ...
Attractive yellow to light greenish yellow gem scapolites have been mined from a skarn deposit near the town of Ihosy, in southern Madagascar, since the late 1990s. Chemical analysis indicates that ...
Synthetic emeralds grown hydrothermally in an alkali-free, chlorine-bearing solution have been manufactured in Guilin, China, since 1987. Diagnostic microscopic features include growth and color ...
Established in 1931, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones, and pearls. A public benefit, nonprofit institute, GIA is the leading ...
莫氏硬度用以衡量宝石和矿物的硬度。 这些数值基于一种矿物可被其他物品划伤的相对难易程度得出。 但莫氏硬度会引起误导。 不同矿物的硬度等级之间的差距并不均匀。 举例来说,钻石的莫 ...
标记每个晶体边缘的切口被称为重入角。 有色宝石专家根据宝石所显示的颜色变化程度以及它们在不同的光线条件下所显示的红色和绿色色彩品质,来评定优良亚历山大变石。 寻找珠宝商 使用 ...
三月的两种生日石海蓝宝石和血石在外观上有着很大的差异,但在庇佑人们幸福安康这方面,二者都享有盛誉。海蓝宝石生日石让人想起大海的颜色。从深绿-蓝到淡弱绿蓝色的色彩,刻面海蓝 ...
来自波兰格丹斯克市琥珀博物馆的 Gierlowska 蜥蜴。 琥珀可能因含有昆虫和其他类型的内含物而闻名。 数百万年前,一些蚂蚁、蜜蜂、白蚁和其他昆虫被裹进了无数植物中渗透出来的琥珀树脂。
这颗晶体显示出供其生长的母岩的痕迹。 优质丹泉石有很强的多向色,且正面呈现鲜艳的紫到蓝色,这两种特点有助于鉴定宝石,也对宝石的价值有很大的影响。颜色较暗淡的宝石更为常见 ...
Diamond is available in a range of sizes and qualities to fit every consumer's tastes. One of the first things most people learn about diamonds is that not all diamonds are created equal. In fact, ...