Even if I run PSpice-For-TI_setup.exe and enter my email address and access key, a message like the one attached appears and I cannot sign in. What could be the cause?
As stated in the safety manual, the junction temperature could be measured on ADCB. But the controller has only ADCA and ADCC so is there another way to measure the temperature of the device?
In below post, it mentioned to enable SOC_CLKOUT output on A14 pin by writing the register "0x4320140C" bit[26:16] with value '0x7'. Is it applicable for IWR6843? I assume you mean OSC_CLKOUT correct?
In MSPM0G3107SDGS20R, we confirmed that UART×2, I2C×1, and SPI×1 can be used simultaneously. However, with the following pin settings, the I2C and BSL_invoke use pins [15] are covered, and it seems ...
I use CCS Theia 1.3.1 and want to save user data from start address 0x3c00, the data size is small and only need to be written a few times, so it isn't necessary to use the eeprom way, so I uncheck ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Logic support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search logic IC content or ask ...
When I was configuring cascading, when I reached the channel configuration step, an error message was displayed as shown in the figure below, and its related meaning ...
My customer is facing LM98725 noise issue on AD conversion result of OSx as the picture below. There is 10-20 LSB glitch in the middle of the plot, but OSx is almost flat like blue trace of the ...
I followed the porting guide from mmWaveLink docs and managed to run mmWaveDFP on my FPGA. I am running mmWaveLink_SingleChip_NonOS_Example and using SPI communication. MMWL_powerOnMaster and ...
I´ve used Uniflash application to create a standalone command line package (zip) for the XDS100 v3. On another PC, I ran "one_time_setup.bat" and then "dslite.bat ...
I am looking to flash the program into the Flash memory of our controller using the CAN protocol. Could you kindly suggest the best approach or tools for achieving this? Additionally, I require a ...
I am currently working with the TMS320F28335 microcontroller and using the Example_2833xSci_FFDLB_int.c example code. My goal is to configure the system so that data is transmitted on the TX pin only ...