The money in politics absolutely scares me and the fact that we are trending extreme, at least in the rhetoric, whether or ...
One of the best examples Taylor Swift has ever set? Cultivate friendships with people outside of your ideological circle — ...
Children who come into the United States illegally and don’t speak English are ruining the quality of American education, ...
As Election Day approaches, a new Scripps News/IPSOS poll reveals many Americans fear political violence in the nation's ...
After a brief flirtation with change, writes Luke Savage, America’s presidential race has reverted to type: sclerotic, ...
Carlson whipped the crowd into a frenzy by reassuring them that liberals and political elites were the “bizarre minority” in ...
"If you're discarding a lifelong friendship because somebody votes for the other team, then you've made a terrible, terrible mistake," Vance said.
The pace of cases has remained remarkably consistent since beginning to rise in 2016, around the time of Trump’s first ...
Amish horse carriages share the road with big rigs in some US states. The traditional sect are largely closed off to the ...
A letter sent to Elon Musk's political action committee from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) warned that his lottery-style ...
Donald Trump's behavior in refusing to following a peaceful transfer of power was not conducive to creating a more perfect ...
Let me tell you a couple of stories about my neighbors. One day, when my dad was in his mid-70s, he was at the local grocery ...