Kate Cox told the Texas Supreme Court she needed an abortion since her baby couldn't live with Trisomy 18. These Michigan ...
This shows maternal-age-specific estimates of trisomy among all clinically recognized human pregnancies, generated by combining data from individual trisomies and assuming a spontaneous abortion ...
A century after Down syndrome was first described, scientists discovered that the root cause of this disorder is a condition called trisomy 21. What strides in research have been made since then?
Recognition of the clinical features of Trisomy 13 syndrome, a common autosomal trisomy, provides the basis for diagnostic testing and counseling of families. This article provides a systematic ...
The girl, who has been diagnosed with trisomy 18, is now seven years old. In what is known as Edwards' syndrome, the 18th ...
Robby Hoegh is known for his positivity. Through unwavering faith, the Bolivar basketball coach keeps perspective in weeks after his daughter's death as he has returned to the sidelines for the ...
Symmetric intrauterine growth restriction (both weight and head circumference below the 10th percentile) is usually seen in Trisomy 13. [2] Evaluate the eyebrows. Occasionally, synophrys ...