When looking at trading costs for stocks, it’s pretty common to compare stock spreads as a percentage of the price of the stock. For the QQQ ETF, the 2-cent average spread is equivalent to less than ...
This blog will detail Options Greeks and one of its factors known as Theta. But first, a little about Options greeks. Theta options are defined as an options greek that measures the rate at which ...
Learning about options trading is not a quick and easy task. There are many moving parts when it comes to the derivatives, and it's key to have a solid understanding of the basics before including ...
Theta Gold Mines Ltd. (AU:TGM) has released an update. Theta Gold Mines Ltd. has announced the issuance of over 23 million unquoted options with a two-year expiry, priced at an 8% discount to the ...
Theta is the name for the risk metric that measures the rate of change in an option's value concerning the passage of time. If an option's theta is, say, 10 cents, then its premium will decline ...