a chemical structure made up of four smaller rings, occurs in the chlorophyll of plants, the hemoglobin of blood and many enzymes which, like hemoglobin, take part in respiration ...
It pumps five quarts of blood in a minute, 75 gallons in an hour, 70 barrels in a day and 18 million barrels in 70 years. It does this by means of the most intricately woven muscle in the body ...
How does a mammal make milk out of blood? The answer is sought by new experiments in which substances in the blood are labeled with either radioactive or nonradioactive isotopes ...
You are currently logged out. Please sign in to download the issue PDF. In which the effect of a human mutation that causes a disease of the blood is traced to a ...
Human blood and cattle sperm can now be stored at low temperature for more than a year. It has also been shown that a whole hamster can be frozen for an hour and thawed out none the worse for wear ...
You are currently logged out. Please sign in to download the issue PDF. If an American addresses a Latin from a distance of 20 inches, is he impolite? If an Arab ...
Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www ...
You are currently logged out. Please sign in to download the issue PDF. Otherwise known as the shipworm, this distant relative of the clam destroys submerged wood by ...