Initially enlisted as an infantryman, May decided to become a MWD handler in 2019 and joined the 8th MWD Detachment, 91st Military Police Battalion. “I grew up with dogs my whole life,” May said.
The country's military police watchdog is launching a high-level investigation into an allegation by the force's former head of HR that his sexual misconduct case was handled incompetently.
Agbo, a military police corporal was assigned to stay with an arrested Boko Haram member in the hospital facility, he ...
and not cast aside all matters related to moral and psychological support," the MP said. As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that an ombudsman for the ...
FORT DRUM, N.Y. (WWTI) – A former Fort Drum MP is getting the perfect Christmas gift. Staff Sgt. Payton May, a former Fort Drum military working dog handler, was recently reunited with his ...