A number of steps have been identified in the Iowa model to facilitate NP engagement in problem identification and solution development as it relates to incorporating evidence findings into practice.
why there is a need for the guideline the areas the guideline will and will not cover what it intends to achieve. A draft scope is provided to organisations with an interest in the topic (known as ...
89 Guideline development is essential in improving ‘evidence-based practice’, but development is a complex process. Even good guidelines have tended to lie on shelves gathering dust because of the ...
We have entered a new era of improved and emerging biologically-based diagnostic biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and ...
The challenges and innovative solutions to spreading evidence-based medical research across China in order to improve the ...
Discover new evidence-based guidelines for red blood cell transfusions in critically ill patients, emphasizing a restrictive approach with important subgroup considerations.
The more the NP uses these resources, the easier it becomes to access evidence-based literature ... US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) guideline recommends "screening adults for ...